- From left to right: Lin Bo-Heng, CEO of the Industry Accelerator Center at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Huang Jing-Yao, Center Director; Amir Raveh, Founder of HYPE Sports Innovation; Lu Hong-Jin, Secretary General of the Sports Administration; and Yang Ju-Yu, Deputy Section Chief of the Sports Administration.
The launch event for the 7th training program of the “HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan,” organized by the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education, took place today at the Taiwan Tech Arena. Secretary General Lu Hong-Jin of the Sports Administration, Director Huang Jing-Yao of the Industry Accelerator Center at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Amir Raveh, Founder, and Zvika Popper, COO of HYPE Sports Innovation, attended the event in person, while others participated online.
HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan, also known as HYPE GVA Taiwan, has completed six training programs over the course of three years, successfully nurturing 65 startup teams from both domestic and international backgrounds. The number of teams applying for each cohort has exceeded 250. The accelerator has facilitated fundraising for these startups, surpassing NT$360 million in total. The participating teams continue to shine and make significant contributions in the field of sports innovation. For example, the 3rd edition team, WhiizU, developed a “Virtual Road Training App for Indoor Cycling,” creating real-world cycling routes in the virtual world, and was awarded the 2021 Taipei International Cycle Show’s iF Design Award. The 4th edition team, Uniigym, was selected as one of the Taiwan representatives for TTA X Viva Tech 2021 and participated in the Viva Tech startup exhibition in France, officially supported by the French government. They also emerged as winners in the Orange Telecom (Orange Open Challenge), showcasing their remarkable achievements.

- The Taiwan team participated in the on-site business pitch competition.

- Marco, representing Decathlon, served as one of the judges in the competition.

- Kevin, CEO of DP Smart, and Lin Bo-Heng, CEO of the Industry Accelerator Center at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, were also present at the event.
In the 7th training program, a total of 65 sports innovation teams from both domestic and international backgrounds applied, representing 21 countries worldwide. From the initial selection of 16 teams, 10 were chosen to participate in the 7th training program. The launch event included a panel discussion on sports innovation, featuring representatives from National Taiwan Sport University and the accomplished graduate team, DP Smart. They shared insights on how sports startups can be applied to events such as the 2022 National Games. The program, which spans two and a half months, will be conducted through a combination of physical events and online innovation courses. In addition to the international mentors from HYPE, domestic experts, including Yao Yan-Yao, Founder of 104 Corporation, and Song Jun-Ming, Vice President and CFO of Fuh Der Health Group, have been invited to guide the participating teams and provide valuable opportunities for business consultation and international connections.
The Sports Administration expressed that with the excellent performance of the Tokyo Olympics and the increased global awareness of health due to the pandemic, innovative enterprises focused on sports technology have flourished. The overall registration for this edition has been more active compared to previous years, with an average increase of approximately 20% in the number of teams. This edition marks a transition from the earlier stages to a more mature phase. Building upon the foundation of the past three years, the program aims to attract more sports startups, connect with graduating startup teams, and form a sports innovation community both domestically and internationally, fostering the sports innovation ecosystem in Taiwan and Asia.