- Dr. Hank Huang, Director of IAPS、 Mr. Amir Raveh, Founder of HYPE Sports Innovation、Mrs. Hedy Lai, Senior Executive Officer of Sports Administration
The HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan held its 9th cycle kickoff event on November 8th. The event was attended by Mrs. Hedy Lai, Senior Executive of Sports Administration Taiwan, Dr. Hank Huang, Director of the Industry Accelerator Center at Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Mr. Amir Raveh and Zvika Popper, the founders, and COO of HYPE Sports Innovation.
HYPE GVA Taiwan has completed 8 cycles of the acceleration program and successfully nurtured a total of 85 innovative startups from Taiwan and abroad. The 7th startup, Swipecool, won the first prize in the innovation and entrepreneurship presentation competition at the 2022 InnoVEX Asia Startup Exhibition, competing with 145 international innovative teams from 14 countries. The 8th cycle champion, Ness Wellness, approaches the sports industry from a new perspective, integrating physical, mental, and spiritual health courses and platforms to provide people with unique sports options.

- Mr. Chris Lee, Founder of SPORTS VIVAS fly from Korea to attend the event

- Space Capsule from Taiwan demonstrated their smart motion capture system
A total of 74 domestic and foreign startups from 27 countries applied to participate in the HYPE GVA Taiwan program. In the end, 11 teams from Canada, Switzerland, Ukraine, India, South Korea, and Taiwan were selected to participate. The two-and-a-half-month program will be conducted through a combination of physical activities and online sessions. In addition to the HYPE international mentor team, domestic partners such as Mr. Fan Hong-zhang from Decathlon’s innovation design department and Taiwan Mobile have been invited to lead the teams together. The event also included discussions on sports innovation, with Mr. Paddy Tan, co-founder of Blackstorm Consulting, sharing international sports technology innovation trends.
The Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education stated that as the border gradually opens up, it will actively promote opportunities for sports technology startups to connect with the international community and plan physical exchange activities to bring international energy back to Taiwan and help teams gain international exposure. Therefore, HYPE GVA Taiwan will continue to cultivate and lead Taiwanese startups toward the international stage, showcasing Taiwan’s sports innovation energy to the world.

- HYPE GVA Taiwan cycle 9 Kickoff!