2022 ASPN x HYPE GVA Taiwan Demo Day

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Group photo of the ASPN member economy representatives The HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan program was commissioned by the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education Taiwan and implemented by…

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HYPE GVA Taiwan Cycle 8 Kickoff!

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Dr. Hank Huang, Director of IAPS 、 Mr. Amir Raveh, Founder of HYPE Sports Innovation、Mrs. Maggie Hsu, Director of Sports Administration。 教育部體育署「臺灣運動創新加速器」(HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan),在台灣科技新創基地舉行第8期培訓專案啟動日活動,由教育部體育署呂國際組組長許秀玲、陽明交大產業加速器中心黃經堯主任,及透過線上參與的HYPE運動創新基金會(HYPE Sports Innovation, HYPE) 創辦人Amir…

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HYPE GVA TAIWAN Launches Orientation for the 8th Cohort

The Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, in collaboration with the Yang-Ming Industry Accelerator Season Patent Development Strategy Center and HYPE Sports Innovation Foundation (HYPE), officially launched the call for proposals…

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The HYPE GVA Taiwan 7th edition Demo Day concluded with a seamless integration of virtual and physical experiences.

"HYPE GVA TW's 7th edition Taiwan team taking a group photo with representatives from the Sports Administration and IAPS." In order to continuously bring Taiwan's sports industry to the international…

Continue Reading The HYPE GVA Taiwan 7th edition Demo Day concluded with a seamless integration of virtual and physical experiences.

The anticipation for the seventh edition of HYPE GVA Taiwan is high! The Taiwan Sports Innovation Accelerator is poised to leap onto the international stage after the pandemic.

From left to right: Lin Bo-Heng, CEO of the Industry Accelerator Center at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Huang Jing-Yao, Center Director; Amir Raveh, Founder of HYPE Sports Innovation;…

Continue Reading The anticipation for the seventh edition of HYPE GVA Taiwan is high! The Taiwan Sports Innovation Accelerator is poised to leap onto the international stage after the pandemic.

Despite the pandemic, the HYPE GVA Taiwan 6th edition Demo Day showcased the results of the accelerated training program.

From top to bottom: Huang Jing-Yao, Director of the Industry Accelerator Center at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Amir Raveh, Founder of HYPE Sports Innovation; and Hsu Hsiu-Ling, Head…

Continue Reading Despite the pandemic, the HYPE GVA Taiwan 6th edition Demo Day showcased the results of the accelerated training program.

HYPE GVA Taiwan’s 6th training program has officially launched with enthusiastic participation from both domestic and international teams.

From left to right: Lin Zhe-Hong, Deputy Director-General of the Sports Administration; Amir Raveh, Founder of HYPE Sports Innovation; and Huang Jing-Yao, Director of the Industry Accelerator Center at National…

Continue Reading HYPE GVA Taiwan’s 6th training program has officially launched with enthusiastic participation from both domestic and international teams.

HYPE GVA Taiwan’s 5th Cycle Demo Day successfully accelerated the sports innovation teams through a combination of online international networking and physical event resources.

Group photo for all guests. The HYPE SPIN ACCELERATOR TAIWAN, Taiwan's Sports Innovation Accelerator, held its 5th Cycle Demo Day as a combination of on-site activities and online courses. The…

Continue Reading HYPE GVA Taiwan’s 5th Cycle Demo Day successfully accelerated the sports innovation teams through a combination of online international networking and physical event resources.

The fifth training program of HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan, focusing on sports innovation, has officially commenced.

Group photo of the guests at the launch ceremony of the 5th cycle of Taiwan Sports Innovation Accelerator. Taiwan Sports Innovation Accelerator (HYPE SPIN Accelerator Taiwan), jointly established by the…

Continue Reading The fifth training program of HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan, focusing on sports innovation, has officially commenced.